Chapter 4 Remote Interface Reference
Interface Configuration Commands
Interface Configuration Commands
See also "Configuring the Remote Interface" in chapter 3 starting on page 46.
SYSTem:INTerface {GPIB | RS232}
Select the remote interface. Only one interface can be enabled at a time. The
GPIB interface is selected when the power supply is shipped from the factory.
Place the power supply in the local mode during RS-232 operation. All keys on
the front panel are fully functional.
Place the power supply in the remote mode for RS-232 operation. All keys on
the front panel, except the ‘‘Local’’ key, are disabled while in the remote mode.
Place the power supply in the remote mode for RS-232 operation. This
command is the same as the SYST:REM command except that all keys on the
front panel are disabled, including the ‘‘Local’’ key.
Clear the operation in progress over the RS-232 interface and discard any
pending output data. This is equivalent to the IEEE-488 device clear action
over the GPIB interface.
It is very important that you send the SYST:REM command to place the
power supply in the remote mode. Sending or receiving data over the
RS-232 interface when not configured for remote operation can cause
unpredictable results.