Quick Start: Learning How to Make Measurements
Learning to Make Transmission Measurements
Measuring Other Transmission Characteristics
Using the analyzer marker functions, you can derive several important filter parameters from the measurement trace that is shown on the analyzer display.
Measuring 3 dB Bandwidth.
The analyzer can calculate your test device bandwidth between two equal power levels. In this example procedure, the analyzer calculates the −3 dB bandwidth relative to the center frequency of the filter.
1.Press Marker
and turn the front panel knob to move the marker to the center frequency position of the filter passband. An alternative method is to press
Marker Search
SEARCH: MAX which should put you very close to the center of the passband.
You can also position the marker by entering a frequency location: for example, press
2.Press Marker
MKR ZERO to zero the delta marker magnitude and frequency (this sets the delta marker reference). The −3 dB points will be relative to this marker.
The softkey label changes to MKR ZERO Δ REF= Δ showing you that the delta reference point is the small Δ symbol.
3.Press Marker Search
to enter the marker search mode.
4.Toggle WIDTHS on OFF to ON.
The analyzer calculates the −3 dB bandwidth, the center frequency and the Q (quality
factor) of the test device and lists the results in the
Figure 2-5 Example Measurement of 3 dB Bandwidth
Chapter 2 |