Period Types (continued):
Select the Door Panel tab.
J)Operation Mode, allows you to choose between the different modes available. Active Periods are the times between Open and Close during Period 1 and Period 2. When Active Periods is selected, “Free Access” will be displayed on the panel along with an arrow pointing toward the bell button. During this time the door will be released when the bell button is pushed. When Controlled Access – 24hrs is selected, the door will not be released unless the proper key code has been used or the tenant releases the door. When Free
K)Relay 1 Latched (Door “Hold Open”), when selected, Relay 1 contacts are kept latched for the duration of the specified period. Relay 2 Latched (Door “Hold Open”), when selected, Relay 2 contacts are kept latched for the duration of the specified period. When Free Access and Door “Hold Open” are selected, the display will say “Free Access” with the arrow pointing toward the bell button. However, pressing the bell button will not be necessary as the contacts will remain activated for the specified period.
L)Scroll Display of Residents, allows you to choose between displaying or not displaying the resident’s information during the specified period when Free Access is displayed on the panel. Selecting Off will prevent the entrance panel from scrolling to a tenant’s name during the specified period. Selecting Information and Activation of Resident’s relay will allow the entrance panel to scroll to the tenant’s name. Pressing the bell button will activate the associated relay, but will not call the tenant. Selecting Fully Functional, Information + Call will allow the bell button to activate the associated relay, as well as allowing the entrance panel to scroll to a name and call the tenant.
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