Call Log:
Click on Residents
The Call Log screen displays the quality and duration of calls made to each resident in the building.
Click on Call Log
You have the choice of saving the Call Log data in Excel or Word formats.
Click on Screens
The standard Defaut.ecr screen is the default and should be used.
Click Help if you want information on how to create customized screen files.
If you have customized a screen for a particular installation and saved it under a different file name, use the drop down box to see a list of screen files available and select accordingly. Click OK when finished. You will need to upload the customized screen file to the panel for it to take effect.
Audio Messages:
Click on Messages
US_V3.son is the default audio message file.
Click Help if you want information on how to create customized audio message files.
To select a different audio message, use the drop down box to see a list of audio messages available and select accordingly. Click OK when finished.
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