Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 23 March 24, 2004
41. Select OK.
42. Leave the options under the Sharing tab unchecked.
43. Select OK.
This section shows what to expect when dialing a 1xRTT data connection.
1. Go to Network and Dial-Up Connections and double-click on the 1xRTT
2. For non-Sprint service, enter the User name and Password provided by
the carrier for the account.
Note: You can also enter these parameters beforehand using the
*NETUID and *NETPW parameters. (See Section Error! Reference
source not found..) If those parameters are already configured, leave
the User name and Password fields blank.
3. Click on Dial.
If you have enabled the connection progress display, you will see the
connection being made: