Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 42 March 24, 2004
*PPSNFR=n [?] Store and Forward Reliability
GPS reports will be retransmitted if not acknowledged by the
n = 0: SnF reliability is disabled
n = 1: SnF reliability is enabled
*PPTAIPID=xxx [?] Sets/queries the TAIP ID. This ID is returned in TAIP reports if it
has been negotiated with the TAIP client. This value is only used in
conjunction with TAIP emulation mode (*PPGPSR=F0).
xxxx = the 4 character TAIP ID to assign this device.
*PPTIME=n [?] GPS Report Time Interval
Range n = 1 – 65535 Seconds, 0 = Disabled
NOTE: A report time of less than 30 seconds in a CDMA network,
can possibly keep an RF link up continuously. This will eventually
cause the PinPoint to overheat and shutdown, plus annoy the
CDMA carrier since an RF resource will be tied up to transfer
small amounts of data. The CDMA RF channel will be released and
go dormant in 10-20 seconds of no data sent or received.
NOTE: Some carriers may impose a minimum transmit time.
NOTE: Also see *PPTSV
NOTE: Also see +CTA [for CDMA}
*PPTSV=n [?] Timer for Stationary Vehicles.
n = [0--255]: Time interval in minutes that the PinPoint will send
in reports when it is stationary.
For example, if *PPTIME=10, the PinPoint will send in reports at
least every 10 seconds while it is moving; however, once it stops
moving, it will slow the reports down to this *PPTSV value. A zero
value disables the stationary vehicle timing.
*RTSI=n Enable monitoring the RTS signal as in input event.
n = 0: Disable RTS input monitoring
n = 1: Enable RST input monitoring
NOTE: If RTS is used as an input, hardware flow control cannot be
*UDPRGPS=n [?] Set or query GPS stamping of UDP Reliable packets. When set,
data received on the host serial port will be encapsulated with the
GPS date and time.
n = 0: Disable GPS stamping (default)
n = 1: Enable GPS stamping
#IG=n [?] Set or query GPS initialization timer. n = seconds.
Time in seconds to wait for GPS acquisition before transmitting at
high rates.
#U Immediately issue GPS report to the PinPoint server IP and port