Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 46 March 24, 2004
MDhh [?]
Set or query the modem's default power-up mode
hh (hex byte) =
When the modem is power-cycled, it may enter the mode specified
by this command after 5 seconds. On startup, typing ATMD0
within 5 seconds changes the mode to normal.
00 – normal (AT command) mode
01 – SLIP mode
02 – PPP mode
03 – UDP mode (address/port is in S53)
04 – TCP mode (address/port is in S53)
[Also see Modbus Modes for Ravens]
OPRG=n [?]
Enables/disables over-the-air firmware upgrading of the modem.
n = 0: Disables over-the-air programming.
n = 1: Enables over-the-air programming.
PING domain_name[,n]
Ping the specified IP address. Sends a single ping, returns either
OK or ERROR depending on result. Times out in 10 seconds. If n is
provided, it specifies the amount of data to send with the ping. If n
is not provided, the default, 50 bytes is used.
Qn [?]
Set or query the AT quiet-mode setting. If quiet mode is set, there
will be no responses to AT commands except for data queried.
n = 0: Off (Default)
n = 1: Quiet-mode on.
S0=n [?]
This register determines how a modem responds to an incoming
TCP connection request. The modem remains in AT Command
mode until a connection request is received. DTR must be asserted
or (or S211=1 or &D0) must be set for a successful TCP connection.
The modem will send a “RING” string to the host. A “CONNECT”
sent to the host indicates acknowledgement of the connection
request and the TCP session is established.
n = 0: Off (Default)
n = 1: On
n = 2: Use Telnet server mode on TCP connections
S7=n [?]
Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a TCP connection to be
established when dialing out.
<parity><stop bits> [?]
Query or set serial line parameters:
<speed> = [1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 |
115200 | 230400]
<databits> = [7 | 8]
<parity> = [O=Odd| E=Even | N=None | M=Mark]
<stopbits> = [1|1.5|2]
Example: ATS23=19200,8N1 (sets modem to 19200, etc.)
The settings take affect after reset.
NOTE: MUST be 8 data bits for PPP mode.