Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 38 March 24, 2004
7.6 NMEA Reports
PinPoints can be configured to output reports containing the NMEA sentences
received from the GPS unit. NMEA reporting is configured by setting the reporting
type (*PPGPSR or *PPLATSR) to E0 or E1. Specifying the report type as E0 will
output the GGA and VTG NMEA sentences, while E1 will output the GGA, RMC,
and VTG NMEA sentences.
If *PPGPSR is set to E0 or E1, the NMEA reports will be sent instead of RAP
reports to the server configured with the *PPIP and *PPPORT AT commands. If
*PPLATSR is set to either E0 or E1, the NMEA reports will be sent to the PPP/SLIP
peer (if one is connected).
If the GPS report type (*PPSGPR) is set other NMEA reports, the PinPoint will still
listen on port 17335 and respond to RAP commands received. This allows the RAP
poll command to be used while in NMEA reporting mode