•Ensure that the mower is equipped and secured with wing brace supports.
•Check the condition of the wing hinge pins.
•Check the condition of the mower axle suspension spring.
•Inspect mower tire condition, wheel bearings, and lug nut torque.
•Inspect blades and blade bolts for looseness and excessive wear. Make sure the mower is securely blocked up before crawling beneath. Replace damaged, worn, and missing blades as complete sets to maintain rotary balance.
•Ensure carrier hub nuts are tightened with the cotter pin inserted and spread.
•Inspect the condition of the deck skid shoes and the skid shoe attaching hardware.
•Check oil reservoir level and oil condition. (Add specific type oil if low)
•Change hydraulic oil filter and hydraulic oil according to maintenance schedule.
•Ensure there are no oil leaks and fitting are properly connected
•Inspect overall condition of hydraulic pump.
•Inpsect the tank cooler fan and make sure it is
working properly and clear of debris.
FACLON 15/10 03/09 | Operation Section |
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.