General Information on Flail Mower Vibration
Vibration is a MONSTER and if allowed to continue unchecked, can cause the complete
A properly operated Flail Mower will produce very little vibration. If vibration does occur, the mower should be stopped and the trouble corrected, as warranty does not cover failures resulting from continued operation after something happens to cause the mower to vibrate excessively.
Vibration is caused by a rotating part which is out of balance. This could be the cutter shaft or, on those models having a universal slip joint assembly drive shaft, from the drive shaft.
If the two extreme ends of the drive shaft, (the yoke splines which fit on the tractor power take off shaft and on the mower gear box driven shaft), are not parallel, vibration will be evident.
This is because of the mechanics of a universal drive wherein the rotational speed thru a universal joint is not uniform. If the ends of a universal drive shaft are parallel, the uneven rotation effect is cancelled out and the machine being driven will be driven at a uniform rate of speed. However, if the ends are not parallel, the uneven rotation effect may be multiplied, resulting in a speeding up and slowing down of the entire mower system (gear box, extension shaft, pulleys, belt, and cutter shaft) each revolution. This effect can be readily noticed if the mower, while running, is raised to an extreme height on the tractor lift.
For smoothest operation, the tilt of the mower should be adjusted (on a
To check where the vibration is originating, first be sure the ends of the universal drive shaft are parallel. Then, if vibration is still present, remove the drive belt and run the mower. If vibration is still present, it most likely is coming from and caused by a bent drive shaft. If so, the shaft should be replaced or straightened. If the vibration is gone - the drive portion of the mower is running smoothly - then the vibration is probably coming from the cutter shaft (it could be a pulley out of balance or a faulty belt with a varying cross section, but this is not likely).
MAVERICK 03/09 | Maintenance Section |
© 2009 Alamo Group Inc.