Show Commands
Page 128 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Remote Address Protocol Tx Pkts Rx Pkts
net1_1_2 Up (3) 100 100 3 ospf2 isis 5029 5029
net1_2_3 Up (3) 100 100 3 ospf2 isis 156367 156365
No. of BFD sessions: 2
dhcpSyntax dhcp
Context show>router
Description This command enables the context to display DHCP related information.
dhcp6Syntax dhcp6
Context show>router
Description This command enables the context to display DHCP6 related information.
Syntax statistics [ip-int-name | ip-address]
Context show>router>dhcp
Description This command displays statistics for DHCP relay and DHCP snooping.
If no IP address or interface name is specified, then all configured interfaces are displayed.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, then only data regarding the specified interface is
Parameters ip-int-name | ip-address — Displays statistics for the specified IP interface.
Output Show DHCP Statistics Output — The following table describes the output fields for DHCP.