Show Commands
Page 142 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Sample Output
B:CORE2# show router neighbor
Neighbor Table (Router: Base)
IPv6 Address Interface
IPv6 Address Interface
MAC Address State Expiry Type RTR
FE80::203:FAFF:FE78:5C88 net1_1_2
00:16:4d:50:17:a3 STALE 03h52m08s Dynamic Yes
FE80::203:FAFF:FE81:6888 net1_2_3
00:03:fa:1a:79:22 STALE 03h29m28s Dynamic Yes
No. of Neighbor Entries: 2
Syntax policy [name | damping | prefix-list name | as-path name | community name | admin]
Context show>router
Description This command displays policy-related information.
Parameters name — Specify an existing policy-statement name.
damping — Specify damping to display route damping profiles.
prefix-list nameSpecify a prefix list name to display the route policy entries.
as-path nameSpecify the route policy AS path name to display route policy entries.
community name Specify a route policy community name to display information about a particular
community member.
admin — Specify the admin keyword to display the entities configured in the config>router>policy-
options context.
Output Policy Output — The following table describes policy output fields.
Sample Output
B:CORE2# show router policy
Route Policies
Label Description
Policy The policy name.
Description Displays the description of the policy.