Filter Policies
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 395
Show Commands
anti-spoofSyntax anti-spoof [sap-id]
Context show>filter
Description Displays anti-spoofing filter information.
Parameters sap-id — When the sap-id is specified, it specifies the physical port identifier portion of the SAP
definition. If not specified, all anti-spoof filters in the system are displayed.
The sap-id can be configured in one of the following formats:
port-id — Specifies the physical port ID in the slot/mda/port format.
If the card in the slot has Media Dependent Adapters (MDAs) installed, the port-id must be in the
slot_number/MDA_number/port_number format. For example 6/2/3 specifies the port 3 on
MDA 2 in slot 6.
The port-id must reference a valid port type. When the port-id parameter represents SONET/
SDH and TDM channels, the port ID must include the channel ID. A period “.” separates the
physical port from the channel-id. The port must be configured as an access port.
If the SONET/SDH port is configured as clear-channel then only the port is specified.
Type Syntax Example
null [port-id | bundle-id | lag-id | aps-id]port-id: 6/2/3
bundle-id: bundle-5/1.1
lag-id: lag-100
aps-id: aps-1
dot1q [port-id | bundle-id | lag-id ]:qtag1 port-id:qtag1: 6/2/3:100
lag-id: lag-100
aps-id: aps-1
qinq [port-id | bundle-id | lag-
id]:qtag1.qtag2 port-id:qtag1.qtag2: 6/2/3:100.10
lag-id: lag-100
bundle-id:qtag1.qtag2: bundle-5/1.1:100.10
atm [port-id | aps-id][:vpi/vci|vpi|vpi1.vpi2]port-id: 9/1/1:100/100
relay [port-id | aps-id]:dlci port-id: 9/1/1:100
cisco-hdlc slot/mda/port.channel 2/2/3.1
port-id slot/mda/port[.channel]6/2/3.1