Clear Commands
Page 160 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Clear Commands
arpSyntax arp {all | ip-addr | interface {ip-int-name | ip-addr}}
Context clear>router
Description This command clears all or specific ARP entries.
The scope of ARP cache entries cleared depends on the command line option(s) specified.
Parameters all — Clears all ARP cache entries.
ip-addr — Clears the ARP cache entry for the specified IP address.
interface ip-int-name — Clears all ARP cache entries for the IP interface with the specified name.
interface ip-addr — Clears all ARP cache entries for the specified IP interface with the specified IP
Syntax bfd
Context clear>router
Description This command enables the context to clear bi-directional forwarding (BFD) sessions and statistics.
sessionSyntax session src-ip ip-address dst-ip ip-address
session all
Context clear>router>bfd
Description This command clears BFD sessions.
Parameters src-ip ip-address — Specifies the address of the local endpoint of this BFD session.
dst-ip ip-address — Specifies the address of the remote endpoint of this BFD session.
all — Clears all BFD sessions.