Show Commands
Page 412 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Sample Output
A:ALA-48# show filter ipv6 1 associations
IPv6 Filter
Filter Id : 1 Applied : Yes
Scope : Template Def. Action : Drop
Entries : 1
Filter Association : IPv6
Service Id : 2000 Type : IES
- SAP 1/1/1:2000 (Ingress)
Filter Match Criteria : IPv6
Entry : 10
Log Id : 101
Src. IP : ::/0 Src. Port : None
Dest. IP : ::/0 Dest. Port : None
Next Header : Undefined Dscp : Undefined
ICMP Type : Undefined ICMP Code : Undefined
TCP-syn : Off TCP-ack : Off
Match action : Drop
Ing. Matches : 0 Egr. Matches : 0
Dest. Port The destination TCP or UDP port number or port range.
Dscp The DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) name.
ICMP Code The ICMP code field in the ICMP header of an IP packet.
Option-present Off — Specifies not to search for packets that contain the option field
or have an option field of zero.
On — Matches packets that contain the option field or have an option
field of zero be used as IP filter match criteria.
Int. Sampling Off — Interface traffic sampling is disabled.
On — Interface traffic sampling is enabled.
Multiple Option Off — The option fields are not checked.
On — Packets containing one or more option fields in the IP header
will be used as IP filter match criteria.
TCP-ack Off — No matching of the ACK bit.
On — Matches the ACK bit being set or reset in the control bits of the
TCP header of an IP packet.
Egr. Matches The number of egress filter matches/hits for the filter entry.
Label Description (Continued)