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Page 138 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Interface Table
Interface-Name Type IP-Address Adm Opr Mode
system Pri Up Up Network
to-ser1 Pri Up Up Network
to-ser4 Pri Up Up Network
to-ser5 Pri Up Up Network
to-ser6 n/a n/a Up Down Network
management Pri Up Up Network
Detailed IP Interface Output — The following table describes the detailed output fields for an IP
Label Description
If Name The IP interface name.
Admin State Down — The IP interface is administratively disabled.
Up — The IP interface is administratively enabled.
Oper State Down — The IP interface is operationally disabled.
Up — The IP interface is operationally enabled.
IP Addr/mask The IP address and subnet mask length of the IP interface.
Not Assigned — Indicates no IP address has been assigned to the IP
IPV6 Addr The IPv6 address of the interface.
If Index The interface index of the IP router interface.
Virt If Index The virtual interface index of the IP router interface.
Last Oper Change The last change in operational status.
Global If Index The global interface index of the IP router interface.
Sap ID The SAP identifier.
TOS Marker The TOS byte value in the logged packet.
If Type Network — The IP interface is a network/core IP interface.
Service — The IP interface is a service IP interface.
SNTP B.cast Displays if the broadcast-client global parameter is configured
IES ID The IES identifier.
QoS Policy The QoS policy ID associated with the IP interface.