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Page 140 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
TOS Marking : Untrusted If Type : IES
SNTP B.Cast : False IES ID : 1
MAC Address : 00:00:00:00:01:01 Arp Timeout : 14400
IP MTU : 1500 ICMP Mask Reply : True
Arp Populate : Disabled Host Conn Verify : Disabled
Cflowd : None
Proxy ARP Details
Rem Proxy ARP: Disabled Local Proxy ARP : Disabled
Policies : none
Proxy Neighbor Discovery Details
Local Pxy ND : Disabled
Policies : none
DHCP Details
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Gi-Addr : Not configured Gi-Addr as Src Ip: Disabled
Action : Keep Trusted : Disabled
DHCP Proxy Details
Admin State : Down
Lease Time : N/A
Emul. Server : Not configured
Subscriber Authentication Details
Auth Policy : None
DHCP6 Relay Details
Admin State : Down Lease Populate : 0
Oper State : Down Nbr Resolution : Disabled
If-Id Option : None Remote Id : Disabled
Src Addr : Not configured
DHCP6 Server Details
Admin State : Down Max. Lease States: 8000
ICMP Details
Redirects : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Unreachables : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
TTL Expired : Number - 100 Time (seconds) - 10
Summary IP Interface Output — The following table describes the summary output fields for the router IP interfaces..Label Description

Instance The router instance number.

Router Name The name of the router instance.

Interfaces The number of IP interfaces in the router instance.