IP Router Configuration
7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide Page 163
Syntax statistics [ip-address | ip-int-name]
Context clear>router>dhcp
Description This command clear statistics for DHCP and DHCP6 relay and snooping statistics.
If no IP address or interface name is specified, then statistics are cleared for all configured interfaces.
If an IP address or interface name is specified, then only data regarding the specified interface is
Parameters ip-address | ip-int-nameDisplays statistics for the specified IP interface.
Syntax neighbor {all | ip-address}
neighbor [interface ip-int-name | ip-address]
Context clear>router
Description This command clears IPv6 neighbor information.
Parameters all — Clears IPv6 neighbors.
ip-int-name — Clears the specified neighbor interface information.
Values 32 characters maximum
ip-address — Clears the specified IPv6 neighbors.
Values ipv6-address: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
x: [0 — FFFF]H
d: [0 — 255]D
Syntax router-advertisement all
router-advertisement [interface interface-name]
Context clear>router
Description This command clears all router advertisement counters.
Parameters all — Clears all router advertisement counters for all interfaces.
interface interface-name Clear router advertisement counters for the specified interface.