Show Commands
Page 396 7750 SR OS Router Configuration Guide
Values null [port-id | bundle-id | lag-id | aps-id]
dot1q [port-id | bundle-id | lag-id | aps-id]:qtag1
qinq [port-id | bundle-id | lag-id]:qtag1.qtag2
atm [port-id | aps-id][:vpi/vci|vpi|vpi1.vpi2]
frame [port-id | aps-id]:dlci
cisco-hdlc slot/mda/
ima-grp [bundle-id[:vpi/vci|vpi|vpi1.vpi2]
port-id slot/mda/port[.channel]
aps-id aps-group-id[.channel]
aps keyword
group-id 1 — 64
bundle keyword
type ima, ppp
bundle-num 1 — 128
ccag-id - ccag-id.path-id[cc-type]:cc-id
ccag keyword
id 1 — 8
path-id a, b
cc-type .sap-net, .net-sap
cc-id 0 — 4094
lag-id lag-id
lag keyword
id 1 — 200
qtag1 0 — 4094
qtag2 *, 0 — 4094
vpi 0 — 4095 (NNI)
0 — 255 (UNI)
vci 1, 2, 5 — 65535
dlci 16 — 1022
bundle-id — Specifies the multilink bundle to be associated with this IP interface. The bundle key-
word must be entered at the beginning of the parameter.
The command syntax must be configured as follows:
bundle-id: bundle-type-slot-id/mda-slot.bundle-num
bundle-id value range: 1 — 128
For example:
ALA-12>config# port bundle-ima-5/1.1
ALA-12>config>port# multilink-bundle
ima — Specifies Inverse Multiplexing over ATM. An IMA group is a collection of physical links
bundled together and assigned to an ATM port.
qtag1, qtag2 — Specifies the encapsulation value used to identify the SAP on the port or sub-port. If
this parameter is not specificially defined, the default value is 0.
Values qtag1 : 0 — 4094
qtag2 : * | 0 — 4094