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To download using the default download program, image.bin:
This will download an image from the flash.
To specify the download program:
-dp <download program>
Two binaries have been provided for this purpose, image.bin and memory.bin. image.bin as mentioned above
is the default, while memory.bin will download an image of the memory.
The start and length of the image desired for download can be specified:
-dr <start, length>
eg. If you have 1Mbyte flash, and you wish to download 4 sectors of the jffs, then the start address
and length would be specified by:
-dr 0xC0000 0x40000
The start address specified here is relative to the start of the flash.
The addressing mode can also be changed with the following options:
relative to flash, start is 0x0 (default mode): -df
absolute addresses: -da
After obtaining the captured output, it can be fed into the conv utility to convert the output file to binary. The
source code for the utility is located in /opt/boottools/oops/src/conv.
Common oops program arguments
Verbose output mode: -v
Quiet operation mode (default): -q
To select a serial port (default is ‘/dev/ttyS0’): -p <serialPortName>
Change to fast serial port, 230.4kbps (default is 115kbps): -pf
Select initialisation program file(default is init.b): -ip <initFilename>
Select a capture output file: -c <captureFilename>
By default, there is no capture file specified, and all information will go to standard output. When capturing the
output, if the file already exists, then the new information will be appended to the end of the file, not erase the
current contents.