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Creating a ROM image
Before using the development hardware a file system will need to be created for use on it. The ‘/
opt/fs’ directory contains the tools necessary to create a filesystem image. From this directory
run the Makefile. The first time you run this it will compile all the tools that will be used on the
dimmPCI platform itself, subsequently it will create an image for download.
make imagez.bin
An explanation of some of the more important files and sub-directories in the ‘/opt/fs’ directory:
imagez.bin - this contains both the µClinux kernel and the filesystem,
ready to be programmed to the dimmPCI platform.
linux - a link to where the µClinux kernel source and binaries reside.
romdisk - the set of files that will make up the root file system on the
dimmPCI module.
src - source code for each of the tools available on the dimmPCI module.
Any time after the files have been modified in the romdisk directory, typing the following will
create a new image file:
make imagez.bin
This will compress the filesystem and the ‘linux.bin’ kernel file into a single image file,
‘imagez.bin’. The one file is all that is necessary to program onto the dimmPCI CPU module in
order for it to operate properly.
Customizing the filesystem
Before programming the dimmPCI module for the first time, the filesystem should be configured
so that it does what is wanted from it the first time. These are the files, which control the startup
and initialization process in the filesystem. They are stored in the ‘/opt/fs/romdisk/etc’ directory.
The files are: