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| MasterSwitch 100V – User Guide | |||
nA Status page provides:
q A graphic display that defines the current status of all outlets. q Graphic links to the eight outlet pages.
q Graphic links to the URLs defined for each outlet’s device.
Note: The URL for an outlet is defined in that outlet’s Web control page.
nA System Configuration page allows you to:
q Modify the values needed for MasterSwitch network communication, when BOOTP is disabled:
-The MasterSwitch IP address
-HTTP port number
-Default gateway IP address
-Subnet mask
Note: Although you can use the Web control to modify the network values, the initial values can only be supplied by the BOOTP server (when BOOTP is enabled, which is the shipping default setting) or the console program (when BOOTP is disabled). Also, you can only change network configuration values using the Web control when the HTTP Net Config option in the terminal console’s Network submenu is enabled.
qDefine/modify the user name/password pair used for access to the Web control pages and the console control program.
Note: The console, telnet, and Web control share the same password. When you change the password using the console, telnet, or Web control, you change the password for all three control functions.
qDefine/modify SNMP access, SNMP trap receiver and
nThe frame used for the Web control pages allows you to access any other Web control page, APC support information or other links.