Appendix B — Sample Visual Basic Code
B-1 Demo Application
The MA24106A CD contains a demo application that allows you to interface with the power sensor using the remote programming protocol. The sample code is written in Microsoft® Visual Basic® 6.0 and is given at the end of this appendix. The complete project, DempApp.vbp, is available on the CD that shipped with the sensor. The Demo Application’s main form is shown below:
Figure B-1. Demo Application
It is recommended to use the source code and project available on the CD that shipped with the sensor to minimize typing errors. You may need to add Microsoft® Comm Control 6.0 manually, which can be added from Visual Basic® 6.0 IDE by navigating to: Project Components.
B-2 Using the Demo Application
Once connected to the PC using the USB cable, the MA24106A shows up as a Serial port device on the PC. You can check the COM port number using the device manager in the Windows® control panel.
Type the COM port number in the ComPortNo: text box and click Initialize. Once the COM port is initialized, you can type commands in the Command text box, and then click the Send button. Any responses from the sensor will be displayed in the Received text box. You can use the Functions group buttons to exercise the sensor for power readings, frequency readings and settings, and for zeroing sensor.
Note: The Demo Application uses Microsoft Comm Control, which limits COM Port number usage to less than 16 (COM3 to COM16).
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