Status 1

Status 1

Status 2

Status 3

“WT” à Write Through. “WB” à Write Back.

The blue square button in below to the status1 is “Set read/write mode” function.

“HI” à HIgh priority. “MD” à MiD priority. “LO” à LOw priority.

The blue square button in below to the status2 is “Set Priority” function.

“I” à user data volume is doing initializing. “R” à user data volume is doing rebuilding.

Status 4

“M” à user data volume is doing migration.





R %

Ratio of initializing or rebuilding.






The RAID levels that user data volume is using.




Number of LUN(s) that data volume is attaching.






The user data volume size that used for snapshot. The


blue square button next to the snapshot is “Resize”


function to decide the snapshot space. The blue


square button next to the resize function is “Auto


snapshot” function to setup the frequency of taking


snapshots. The number means “Free snapshot


space” / “Total snapshot space”. If the snapshot


UDV has been created, this column will be the creation








Remote replication function.





VG name

The VG name of the user data volume.






The cache volume of the user data volume.



UDV operations description:

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Page 45
Image 45
APC SCSI-SATA II Status Status Status, Raid, #Lun, SnapshotGB, space” / “Total snapshot space” . If the snapshot, QCopy