Updated 23/05/07RAOM0507 Apollo Bicycle Company Pty. Ltd. ABN: 60 001 914 469
11. Safety & Accessories
- Check that all reflectors are attached correctly
and visible
- For riding at night, fit fully functioning dynamo
or battery powered lights
- Check that the bell is fully operational
- Check all additional components on the bike
are appropriately secured and functioning
- Ensure the bicycle rider and any passenger
in a child seat are wearing helmets
When riding your bicycle it is recommended that
you always wear an appropriately fitting, Australian
Standards Approved bicycle helmet. This also
applies to any passengers you may carry in a child
safety seat.
A bicycle helmet must:
- carry the Australia & New Zealand Standards
approved mark AS/NZS 2063 label
- fit properly
The helmet should be:
- well ventilated
- comfortable
- lightweight
The wearing of helmets is mandatory
in most Australian states. Non-
compliance may result in an
enforceable penalty.