avoiding damage to 46 backup battery 45, 50, 52 care of 63, 64, 65 damaged
disposing of dead batteries 52, 65
disk mode 38 maximizing work time 55 recharging 1,
battery power conserving 12, 55 SCSI disk mode and 38
battery recharger
Battery Reconditioning program
troubleshooting 6 brightness on screen, adjusting 5, 61 burns to skin and eyes from damaged
batteries 51
SCSI system cable 36
cable terminators, for connecting SCSI devices
care of equipment. See safety instructions carpal tunnel syndrome 58
chair, adjusting for computer use 59, 60 charging batteries 1,
cleaning the computer 65 clicking icons 25
close box 10
closing the Macintosh Guide window 23 commands, shortcuts for
See safety instructions connecting
additional equipment, overview
external input devices 40 external modem
Duo Dock II
SCSI devices
Express Modem 33
PowerBook Setup 36 Control Strip 10 copying files 43
cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) 58 customer support 14, 68