2Drag a song or other item to iPod shuffle.
You can also drag entire playlists to sync them with iPod shuffle. You can select multiple items and drag them all at once to iPod shuffle.
To remove a song or other item from iPod shuffle:
1In iTunes, select iPod shuffle in the list of devices.
2Select Music, Audiobooks, or Podcasts under iPod shuffle.
3Select a song or other item and press the Delete or Backspace key on your keyboard.
To use iTunes to create a new playlist on iPod shuffle:
1In iTunes, select iPod shuffle in the list of devices, and then click the Add (∂ ) button or choose File > New Playlist.
2Type a name for the playlist.
3Click an item, such as Music, in the Library list, and then drag songs or other items to the playlist.
To add songs to or remove songs from a playlist on iPod shuffle:
mDrag a song to a playlist on iPod shuffle to add the song. Select a song in a playlist and press the Delete key on your keyboard to delete the song.
Keep these points in mind if you manually manage your content on iPod shuffle:
ÂIf you make changes to any of your playlists, remember to drag the changed playlist to iPod shuffle when it’s connected to iTunes.
ÂIf you remove a song or other item from iPod shuffle, it isn’t deleted from your iTunes library.
ÂIf you set iTunes to manage music manually, you can reset it later to sync automatically. For information, see page 16.
Autofilling iPod shuffle
If you manually manage music, you can have iTunes automatically sync a selection of your songs onto iPod shuffle when you click the Autofill button. You can choose your entire library or a specific playlist to gets songs from, and set other Autofill options.
Using Autofill gives you more control over the content that gets added to iPod shuffle than automatically syncing, and lets you quickly “top off” your iPod shuffle when you manually manage the contents.
To autofill music onto iPod shuffle:
1Connect iPod shuffle to your computer.
2Select Music under iPod shuffle in the list of devices.
3Choose the playlist you want to autofill from using the “Autofill from”
Chapter 3 Setting Up iPod shuffle