If iPod shuffle isn’t playing music
ÂiPod shuffle might not have any music on it. If you hear the message “Please use iTunes to sync music,” connect iPod shuffle to your computer to sync music to it.
ÂSlide the
ÂMake sure the earphone or headphone connector is pushed in all the way.
ÂMake sure the volume is adjusted properly. A volume limit might be set. See “Setting a Volume Limit” on page 25.
ÂiPod shuffle might be paused. Try clicking the Center button on the earphone remote.
If you connect iPod shuffle to your computer and nothing happens
ÂConnect iPod shuffle to a
ÂMake sure you’ve installed the latest iTunes software from www.apple.com/ipod/start.
ÂTry connecting the USB cable to a different USB 2.0 port on your computer. Make sure the USB cable is firmly connected toiPod shuffle and to the computer. Make sure the USB connector is oriented correctly. It can be inserted only one way.
ÂiPod shuffle might need to be reset. Turn iPod shuffle off, wait 10 seconds, and then turn it back on again.
ÂIf iPod shuffle doesn’t appear in iTunes or the Finder, the battery may be completely discharged. Let iPod shuffle charge for several minutes to see if it comes back to life.
ÂMake sure you have the required computer and software. See “If you want to double- check the system requirements” on page 30.
ÂTry restarting your computer.
ÂYou might need to restore iPod software. See “Updating and Restoring iPod shuffle Software” on page 31.
ÂiPod shuffle may need to be repaired. You can arrange for service on the iPod shuffle Service & Support website at www.apple.com/support/ipodshuffle/service.
If you can’t sync a song or other item onto iPod shuffle
The song might have been encoded in a format that iPod shuffle doesn’t support. The following audio file formats are supported by iPod shuffle. These include formats for audiobooks and podcasts:
ÂAAC (M4A, M4B, M4P) (up to 320 kbps)
ÂApple Lossless (a
ÂMP3 (up to 320 kbps)
ÂMP3 Variable Bit Rate (VBR)
ÂAA (audible.com spoken word, formats 2, 3, and 4)
Chapter 6 Tips and Troubleshooting