2.5 Configuration
2.5.1 Active Directory Settings
The displayed table shows current configured Role Groups and the available slots. You can modify, add or delete role groups from here. Group domain can be the AD domain or a trusted domain. Group Name should correspond to the name of an actual AD group. To view the page, you must be at least a User. To modify or add a group, you must be an Administrator. NOTE: Free slots are denoted by “~” in all columns for the slot.
Advanced Settings
Click this option to configure the Active Directory Settings. Options are Enable Active Directory Authentication, User Domain name, Time Out and up to three Domain Controller Server Addresses.
Add Role Group
Select a free slot and click ‘Add Role Group’ to add a new role group to the device. Alternatively, double click on a free slot to add a role group.
Modify Role Group
Select a configured slot and click ‘Modify Role Group’ to modify that role group. Alternatively, double click on the configured slot.