Driver 7890-AIC .B


Command Line Options

IBM OS/2 adapter device drivers (.ADD files) are normally installed automatically and require no further information from the user. However, in certain situations the user may wish to modify the behavior of the driver to meet their specific needs.

IMPORTANT: Please proceed cautiously with the following information.

The standard format for command line switches is :

1. For Ultra2SCSI host adapter:

BASEDEV=AIC78U2.ADD [Universal Parameter][Adapter ID][Unit Parameter] {[SCSI Target ID]}

2. For UltraSCSI or earlier host adapters:

BASEDEV=AIC7870.ADD [Universal Parameter][Adapter ID][Unit Parameter]

{[SCSI Target ID]}

[Universal Parameter] - An option that applies to all adapters controlled by the driver.

[Adapter ID] - /A:n, where n is the number (zero relative) of the adapter in- stalled in the system. The adapter ID is determined when the driver is loaded based on the order that adapters are found in the system. (Refer to the Configu- ration Examples in the "General Unit Parameters" section below for informa- tion on how to use this option.)

[Unit Parameter] - Modifies the behavior of the selected host adapter

[SCSI Target ID] - The targets to which the Unit Parameter will be applied. This parameter may be a single ID (d) or list of IDs (d,d,d).

Universal Parameters:

/ET -- Allow embedded targets.This parameter indicates that the ADD should assume that all targets have more than one logical unit (LUN) defined.

/!ET -- Do not allow embedded targets (DEFAULT). This parameter indicates that the ADD should assume that all targets have only one logical unit (LUN) defined.

/V -- Load driver verbosely. This parameter will display the driver name as well as the version number and Adaptec copyright if the driver loads successfully. Information on all targets found in the system will also be displayed.

/PCIHW -- Enables driver to access PCI configuration hardware registers. This switch is implemented because in some PCI systems, accessing PCI configura- tion space through PCI BIOS function calls causesproblems. This switch is en- abled by default.

/!PCIHW -- Disables the PCIHW switch. This parameter will cause the driver to access the PCI configuration space through PCI BIOS function calls.


ASUS P2B-D2 User’s Manual