AT&T MLX-10 manual Programming Features, To Program Features Using Programming Codes

Models: MLX-10

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Using and Programming Features

Programming Features

Your company may have already labeled and programmed features onto line buttons. You can program any unlabeled line buttons with the features of your choice. While it isn’t necessary to program most features onto line buttons, it’s much faster to use the features if you do.

In addition to features that you program onto line buttons, you can program other features to set up the way you want your phone to work. Once one of these features is programmed, you don’t need to press a programmed button to use it. For example, you can program your phone with Ringing Options to change how your phone rings, or you can turn on Call Waiting to make sure important calls get through.

To Program Features Using Programming Codes

Before you begin programming, remove the clear plastic that covers the button labeling card and write in the names of the features next to the buttons to be programmed. Replace the cover with the textured side up.

Programming Features 3 - 5

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AT&T MLX-10 manual Programming Features, To Program Features Using Programming Codes