AT&T MLX-10 manual To Program a Last Number Dial Button, To Use Last Number Dial

Models: MLX-10

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Last Number Dial

Use Last Number Dial to automatically redial the last inside or outside number you called.

To Program a Last Number Dial Button

1.Label button to be programmed as Last Number.

2.Press Feature and dial 00.

3.Press button you labeled Last Number.

4.Dial 84.

5.Press Feature and dial 00.

To Use Last Number Dial

1.Press the same type of button (ICOM, SA, Pool, or special service such as WATS) you used to place the call the first time.

2.Press programmed Last Number button, or press Feature and

dial 84.

Your speakerphone goes on, and the number is dialed automatically.

Last Number Dial 5-25

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AT&T MLX-10 manual To Program a Last Number Dial Button, To Use Last Number Dial