AT&T MLX-10 Line buttons, Line Request, Loudspeaker Paging, Message light, Messaging, Mute button

Models: MLX-10

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line buttons

The rows of buttons above and/or to the right of your dialpad, which you or your company can program with lines or features. 1-2,1-3,1-6

Line Request

A feature that alerts you when a busy outside line is free. 5-26

Loudspeaker Paging

See Paging.


Message light

A light that goes on when you have a fax or a voice-mail message. The message light also goes on when you have a message to be picked up from the system operator. 1-2,1-3,5-29


A feature you use to get voice-mail messages or messages from the system operator. You can also use Messaging to send messages to co-workers with display phones or to post messages on co-workers’ displays when you are unable to answer your phone. 5-27

Mute button

A button you press to mute your speakerphone so you can speak privately with someone in your office without your caller hearing you.


Index/Glossary I G - 7

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AT&T MLX-10 manual Line buttons, Line Request, Loudspeaker Paging, Message light, Messaging, Mute button