AT&T MLX-10 manual To Program Inside and outside Auto Dial Buttons

Models: MLX-10

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Auto Dial

Use Auto Dial to automatically dial either inside or outside numbers you call often.

You can program inside Auto Dial buttons for extensions of co-workers or paging areas. The green light next to the Auto Dial button goes on if your co-worker is on the phone or using Do Not Disturb.

You can program outside Auto Dial buttons for important numbers, account codes, long-distance billing numbers, bank access codes, or emergency contact numbers.

Note: Program emergency numbers and make test calls during off-peak hours. Stay on the line and briefly explain the reason for your call to the dispatcher.

To Program Inside and outside Auto Dial Buttons

1.Label button with person’s name or other identifier.

2.Press Feature and dial 00.

3.Press button you labeled.

4.Dial 22 for inside numbers or 21 for outside numbers. See Notes.

5.Dial extension or outside number (including any necessary dial-out code, long-distance carrier code, area code, and special characters). See Notes.

6.Repeat steps 1, 3, 4, and 5 to program additional buttons.

7.Press Feature and dial 00.

5-4Auto Dial

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AT&T MLX-10 manual To Program Inside and outside Auto Dial Buttons