
Internal Serial Interface Configuration

The KVM Over the NET™ switch provides a function that lets you configure an attached device’s serial interface parameters from within any accessed server. To do so:

1.From the accessed server, open a command line (terminal) session or third party serial application such as HypterTerminal or PuTTY.

2.Telnet or SSH to the KVM Over the NET™ switch’s IP address.

3.Log in with your usual Username and Password to bring up the access screen:


The left panel shows the KVM Over the NET™ switch at the top, and all the serial interface devices connected to it listed below. The right panel shows the configuration parameters at the top, with the configuration settings in the area below.

ŠUse the Left and Right Arrow keys ( and ) to move the highlight bar between the right and left panels, and to select the parameter to configure.

ŠUse the Up and Down Arrow Keys ( and ) to select among the switch and the serial devices in the left panel; use them to select the configuration items in the right panel.