E-mail Alert
Select an alert type for a new text message from
Note: If the sender’s
ume depend on Settings below.
Text Alert
Select an alert type for a new text message from cellular phone number. Options are the same as Voice Mail Alert.
Note: If the sender’s phone number is saved in your phonebook with a particular ringer type, the phone will sound the ringer tone in place of Text Alert (Custom Tone, Low beep Once, Low beeps, Loud beep Once and Loud beeps). The tone length and volume de-
pend on Settings below.
Page Alert
Select an alert type for a new numeric page. Options are the same as Voice Mail Alert.
Ack Alert
Select an alert type for a network message such as delivery ac- knowledgment. Options are the same as Voice Mail Alert.
Specifies Tone Length (1 to 30 seconds) and Tone Volume for the
Custom Tone.
70Chapter 4