Playing Games/Applications
1.To launch Get It Now from the standby mode, press .
2.Select a game or application then press to play it.
3.To close the game or application, press CLR .
Downloading Ringers/Wallpapers
1.To launch Get It Now from the standby mode, press .
2.Select Get It Now from the menu then press
3.Download a downloader application for the desired category.
4.From the menu, launch the downloader application.
5.Follow the prompt to download ringers or wallpapers.
Tip: Once you have downloaded ringers and wallpapers, they are auto-
matically saved to your Media Gallery (see page 91).
Setting Up Get It Now
1.To launch Get It Now from the standby mode, press .
2.Select Settings from the menu then press
3.Select the option you want to set up then press .
♦Order Apps: Change the order displaying applications in this feature’s main menu.
♦Move Apps: Move an application from one folder to another (Main Menu, Favorites, Work and Fun).
♦Manage Apps: Check the application status, remove the appli- cation, and more.
♦Main Menu View: Select Small Icon or List for this feature.
♦Screen Savers: Select an image to this feature’s menu screen.
♦View Log: View your log in this feature.
Chapter 6 | 87 |