Overview of the Offsite Agent desktop application
Offsite Agent dialog
In addition to the standard Agent Desktop toolbars and dialogs, Offsite Agent provides additional login and progress dialogs. These dialogs allow you to enter your access credentials to connect to the contact center and specify the remote telephone you are using for the session. The fields that are available for editing depend on the specific configuration that the Offsite Agent administrator has applied for your agent profile.
The first time you start Agent Desktop it displays the Choose Agent Desktop Mode dialog. You use this dialog to choose whether you are using Agent Desktop as an onsite or offsite agent. Agent Desktop stores this setting and does not prompt you for it again.
You use the Offsite Agent Logon dialog to enter your access credentials to connect to the contact center. This is a
When Agent Desktop validates your log on credentials, the Offsite Agent Logon dialog displays your agent ID and default offsite phone number. You can edit the existing number or select other numbers depending on the permissions that the Offsite Agent
14 | 26 November 2010 |