72CPS Installer/User Guide
User Delete commandThe User Delete command removes a username entry from the CPS user database. The username may no longer be used to authenticate a session with the CPS appliance. If the specified user is currently logged in, a message is output to the user, indicating that access is no longer permitted, and the Telnet session is terminated.
Access right: USER
USER DEL <username>
Table 5.38: User Delete Command Parameter
<username> | Username to be deleted. |
The User Logout command terminates a user’s active sessions on the CPS appliance. If the specified user has no active sessions, an error message is displayed. For all active sessions that are terminated, a message is sent to the Telnet client and the Telnet connection is dropped.
Access right: USER
Access level: ADMIN (may log out all except APPLIANCEADMIN) or APPLIANCEADMIN
USER LOGOUT <username>
Table 5.39: User Logout Command Parameter
<username> | Username to be logged out. |
The User Set command changes a user’s configuration in the user database. For more information, see Managing User Accounts on page 22 and Access rights and levels on page 23.
You may delete a user’s password or key; however, each user must have a password or a key, so you cannot remove both. Also, you cannot remove a user’s password or key if that action would result in no users having USER access rights.
Access right: none to change your own password, USER to change anything else;
Access level: none to change your own password, ADMIN or APPLIANCEADMIN to change anything else