Chapter 3: Basic Operations


Chapter 3: Basic Operations

The operating platform for the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance uses the Linux® 2.4 kernel and is configured through a web browser application. The web application requires the Java J2SE Runtime Environment (1.4.2 or later) for system configuration, application setup and data presentation. The Java applet is installed on your PC from the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance when you type the appropriate URL in the web browser address field.

Launching the Web Browser GUI

After you have installed the EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance, you are ready to launch the web application’s GUI. The web GUI provides you with easy-to-navigate screens for configuring the network, sensor inputs /outputs (I/O) and actions (such as email) that will perform alarm reporting.

To launch the web GUI:

1.If the J2SE Runtime Environment (1.4.2 or later) is not running on your computer, load the applet from the Sun Microsystems web site by typing the following URL in the web browser address bar:

2.From the Sun Microsystems web page, download the J2SE Runtime Environment (1.4.2 or later). Once the file is downloaded, install it on your computer and reboot.

3.Launch Internet Explorer and type the appropriate URL in the web browser address field. (For example, if your EVR1500 environmental monitor appliance has the IP address, type in the web browser address field.) This action loads the Java applet. The Login window displays.

Figure 3.1: Login Window

4.Type admin in the User Name field.

5.Type password in the Password field. Click OK.