72EVR1500 Installer/User Guide

Appendix E: Customer-Supplied Sensors

Customer-supplied sensors used with the EVR1500 environmental monitor

appliance must meet the requirements shown in the following table.

Requirements for Customer-Supplied Sensors

Analog Sensors



Must accept 12 VDC if powered by EVR1500


environmental monitor appliance.



Input Voltage

Positive voltage between Ø to 40 V;


Example input minimum voltages are 1, 0, 0, 2.


Example input maximum voltages are 5, 5, 10, 10.



Input Current

4-20 mA sensors can be used with an external resistor


or the internal jumpers. Contact Avocent


Technical Support.



Pinout for RJ-45

Pin 1, ground.




Pin 5, voltage input (from sensor to EVR1500


environmental monitor appliance).




Pin 8, - +12 V output (from EVR1500 environmental


monitor appliance to sensor).




Linear input required.



Digital Sensors




Input Voltage

Ø to 5 VDC.




See Appendix C.