46EVR1500 Installer/User Guide

Click the Cancel button to revert all configuration items in the Configuration tab to the last Save operation.

To delete a combination action:

1.After launching the web GUI, click Configuration - Combination. The Combination window displays a list of combination actions.

2.Click the row containing the combination action you wish to delete.

3.Click the Delete Selected button to delete the combination action.

4.Click the Save button to save the change.

Configuring Output Actions

Using the Output actions feature, you can configure output actions from the list of digital and analog I/O in the system. The system handles up to 25

output actions.

Figure 3.21: Output Window

To configure output actions:

1.After launching the web GUI, click Configuration - Output. The Output window displays.

2.Click the row containing the output action you wish to edit. A new row is added to the Output table.


Add a new output action by clicking the Create New button.