Chapter 3: Installation 21
Figure 3.1: Network Settings Page with Control LAN Parameters
To configure transmitter system settings: (Optional)
1. Within the Transmitter Menu, select the System Settings page.
2. Type a friendly name into the Device Name text box. This name will be displayed throughout
the web interface as means to identify the transmitter.
3. You may disable the ability to change the IP address of the transmitter via the front panel (five
button) interface. By default, this capability is enabled.
4. The additional settings are described in Radio Considerations on page 52. Leave these settings
at their default values for now.
5. Apply the changes.
Figure 3.2: System Settings
Validating media LAN connectivityMedia session data is transferred from an MPX1000 transmitter to bound receivers either through
the wireless LAN interface or the L2 wired LAN interface. By default, MPX1000 transmitters are
configured for wireless operation. MPX1000 receivers are configured neither for wired or wireless
operation, rather they search for an active transmitter first on their wired LAN and then on their
wireless LAN interface. The following sections will guide you through a quick test of the wireless
and wired modes of operation.