Appendices 65
Appendix F: Displaying Firmware and Hardware VersionsThe Firmware and Hardware Versions page is used to display the firmware and hardware version
numbers. This page is the same for transmitters or receivers.
To display version information:
1. Select Version Information from the Transmitter Menu or Receiver Menu, located on the left
side of the web page.
2. Check the version numbers and decide whether you want to proceed with a Flash update.
The Firmware and Hardware Versions page displays the following information:
Table F.1: Firmware and Hardware Versions Page Information
Field Description
Device Name Transmitter or Receiver Name
MAC Address L1 MAC address (control LAN) of the transmitter or receiver, also printed on an
external label on the unit
Main Application
Firmware Version The version number of the main application firmware
Front Panel
Firmware Version The version number of the front panel interface application firmware
Firmware Version The version number of the bootloader firmware
Main Board
Hardware Version The version number of the main board hardw are