52 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Appendix B: Radio Considerations
The number, thickness and location of walls, ceilings and other objects that signals must pass
through may limit the range for the Emerge MPX1000 HD multipoint extender. A typical wall has
metal or wood studs covered on each side by a single layer of Gypsum board or plaster board.
Typical signal ranges vary depending on the types of materials and background RF (radio
frequency) noises in your home or business.
To maximize your wireless range:
1. Keep the number of walls and ceilings between the transmitter and receiver to a minimum;
each wall or ceiling can reduce your wireless product’s range.
2. Position a direct line between your transmitter and receiver so that the signal will travel
straight through a wall or ceiling. A wall that is 1.5 feet thick (.5 meters) at a 45°angle appears
to be almost 3 feet (1 meter) thick; at a 2°angle, it looks over 42 feet (14 meters) thick!
3. If possible, position your devices and extenders so that the signal passes through drywall or
open doorways and not other materials. Building materials such as a solid metal door or
aluminum studs can impede the wireless signal and may have a negative effect on the
wireless range.
4. Keep your MPX1000 transmitter and receivers away (at least 3 to 6 feet or 1 to 2 meters) from
electrical devices or appliances that generate RF noise.
NOTE: Signals will not pass through concrete walls or titanium coated glass.
The Emerge MPX1000 HD multipoint extender provides wireless transmission over the
Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure radio band. It operates over two ranges:
UNII 1: (4 channels) 5.15-5.25 GHz
UNII 3: (4 channels) 5.725 to 5.825 GHz
Firmware upgrades, including Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS), will be provided, allowing the
product to transmit in the following frequencies as well:
UNII 2: (4 channels) 5.25-5.35 GHz
ETSI: (11 channels) 5.470-5.725 GHz

Antenna Options

Various antenna options are available for MPX1000 extenders, including specialized antennas,
antenna extension kits and lightening arrestors. The following sections describe these options and
offer an overview of installation instructions.
Installation of antenna options
Installation of antenna options have a direct impact on effective radiated power of
MPX1000 extenders.