54 MPX1000 Extender Installer/User Guide
Appendix C: MPX1000R Receiver LED StatusThe MPX1000R receiver features five LEDs, used to indicate the status of the receiver. The
following diagram illustrates the order and color of the LEDs:
LED 5: Green-2
LED 4: Green-1
LED 3: Amber-2
LED 2: Amber-1
LED 1: Red
Figure C.1: MPX1000R LED Status Indicators
LED sequences convey operational states and status of the receiver. The following sections define
the key LED sequences of the product.
NOTE: When a LED is described as Flashing, it is flashing on and off at a rate of 4 flashes per second. When a
LED is described as Blinking, it is blinking on and off at a slower rate of 1.5 seconds per blink. When a LED is
described as On Solid, it is continuously illuminated and is neither blinking nor flashing.
Receiver power status
During system initialization, the LEDs will turn on from left to right until all LEDs are on. Then,
the LEDs will turn off from right to left until all LEDs are off. This pattern will repeat throughout
the system initialization process.
If a Power On Self Test (POST) error occurs, a specific pattern will be displayed. Please make note
of the pattern prior to contacting Avocent technical support.
Wireless operation status
When configured for wireless operation, the LEDs indicate the current status of the connection.
If no connection exists, a 2-step searching pattern sequence is displayed, as follows:
Search pattern: Green-1 and Green-2 will alternate, all other LEDS remain off.
If a connection does exist, the current signal level (0-5) of the connection is displayed using one of
6 LED patterns, as follows: