Chapter 4: Additional Functions 41
Figure 4.9 illustrates local looping of IR commands. This allows source or display devices to be
controlled locally.
Figure 4.9: IR Loopback
NOTE: IR data looped locally within an MPX1000 transmitter or the primary receiver will also be sent normally
across the extension network. IR data looped locally on a receiver other than the primary receiver will not be
forwarded to the extension network.
NOTE: The product provides contention handling to prevent the inadvertent mixing of IR extension data with IR
loopback data. For this reason, the local IR loopback function at an MPX1000 receiver is temporarily disabled
while the unit is processing IR data received from the MPX1000 transmitter. Similarly, if IR blaster mode is
enabled on a receiver, any IR data sent from the transmitter to that receiver is ignored (and not emitted) by that
receiver while the receiver is emitting IR data detected locally by its own IR receive port. Should contention
occur, it will be necessary to repeat the ignored IR command via the remote.
Configuring IR controlUse the IR Blaster section on the Configuration web page to enable or disable local IR loopback,
which is the flow of data from the IR(rx) receiver to the IR(tx) emitter port on the same MPX1000
extender. IR extension, the flow of data across the extension network, is unaffected by this setting.
To configure IR control on a transmitter:
1. Select Serial Settings from the Transmitter Menu, located on the left side of the web page.
Figure 4.10 on page 42 illustrates these settings.
2. Choose one of the following IR Local Loopback modes from the drop-down list:
a. Disabled – IR local loopback is disabled
b. Enabled – IR local loopback is enabled
3. Click Apply to save the changes.