Modbus Basics
Chapter 6: Modbus Basics
If you are reading this manual you are probably in the process of interfacing legacy Modbus ASCII/RTU devices to a network. Chances are you already have some knowledge and familiarity with Modbus ASCII/RTU but possibly somewhat less knowledge of Modbus/TCP and/or networking in general. Most likely your biggest questions relate to what is involved in bringing the two together.
This section provides:
•a basic introduction to Modbus
•some information on Modbus/TCP
•some tips and suggestions for ensuring success
The Modbus protocol emerged in the
The original Modbus specification included two possible transmission modes: ASCII and RTU. Modbus RTU mode is the most common implementation, using binary coding and CRC
All Modbus communications are initiated by Modbus masters using a polling, query/response format. The master can send broadcast messages (using a slave address of 0), which all slaves accept, but do not reply to. More commonly the master polls individual slaves sequentially. In each poll
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