Measured ambient | Indicates the ambient light actually |
light | measured by the ambient light sensor on |
| the front of the display. This is a |
| value. |
Averaged ambient | Shows the average of the measured |
light | ambient light since the display was |
| switched on. |
| When you execute the function “Measure |
| ALC Value”, this value will be stored as the |
| Measured ALC correction value for the |
| selected reading room, unless this value is |
| higher than the maximum ambient light |
| determined for the selected reading room. |
Correction value | Shows the ambient light correction value |
| that is taken into account in the calculation |
| of the display function. |
Cont. DICOM ALC | Allows to switch continuous DICOM ALC |
| on/off. |
| When switched on, the DICOM DF is |
| recalculated continuously taking the |
| averaged ambient light into account. |
| When switched off, the DICOM DF is |
| recalculated only at the moment the |
| DICOM Offset is changed (see below). |