Operations Overview |
The hardware input and output ports are activated in the Points section to become part of the monitoring and control process. There are 30 points which can be referenced to any of the I/O ports. This allows an analog input to be used by more than one point and monitored for multiple setpoints, as would be the case where minor and major alarms are required.
If you do not want all of the points to generate the same response when they detect alarms, they can be placed into different groups. Six groups are available, each with independent timers and control codes. When a group detects an alarm condition in one of its assigned points, it executes the sequence of actions found in the current directory. A group can use any of the six directories to perform the callout function, plus the directory selection can be changed by using the shift control feature.
1.4 What actions should occur when an alarm is detected?
All alarm conditions will be processed by placing a call on the cellular phone. The called number and the activities that occur with different alarms are determined by entries in the directories. A directory contains the sequence of actions that will occur when a group has an active alarm. Instructions for dialing, speaking, inserting delays and signaling are placed in the directory in the order in which they are to be performed. There are a total of six directories; each can contain a unique sequence of activities that will be performed when alarm conditions exist.
To best describe how a directory controls alarm reporting activities, an example directory programming session follows. For more information on the directory summary and dialog box, refer to Chapter 3. The opening window for a directory displays a summary of the activities that it will perform when an alarm is detected. The directory summary is arranged as lines; each line represents the sequence of events that will take place during one callout. If a Dial command is the first entry on the line, the Cv2 will call the programmed number and then execute the remainder of the commands on that line. After the last command on the line is competed, the call will be terminated. Commands such as Auto Ack and Wait, when used as single line commands, do not initiate a call. For a basic sequence where the Cv2 is to call a phone number and speak the alarm message, the directory line contains the Dial and Voice commands appearing as:
1.[DIAL]2458829 [VOICE]
This line will cause the Cv2 to place a call to
During execution of the Voice command, the Cv2 will try to announce the alarm messages three times with a one minute limit for the total announcement duration.
B1272M001 | BARNETT ENGINEERING LTD. | ProTalk Cv2 |